MobiRad version 1.0
MobiRad client is a mobile and wireless controller for health care industry.
This award winning technology, awarding from RSNA 2003, allows clinicians and
radiologists to view patient demographics and radiographs with nearly no restriction
time and place using various wireless communication modes.
This system would serve as a tool for heath care and
medical professionals to improve the efficiency of
the health care services by speedy delivery of image
information. This is particularly important in case of
urgent consultation and it allows health care workers
use of the time for patient care.
The Picture Archiving and Communication System
(PACS) is an integrated system for the distribution
and archival of medical images that are acquired
by different imaging modalities such as Computerized
Tomography scanners, Computed Radiography units,
Digital Radiography units, Ultrasonography scanners
and Magnetic Resonance scanners. MobiRad server
allows image management of the PACS including
display, worklisting, query and retrieval of medical
images in DICOM format.
Medex Mobot MosqiShield JOS Visual CG MobiFax Finger-print Cabinet