CG Version 1.0
VCG is a software package specifically designed for user who does not
familiar with internet programming languages like HTML, flash, java, and so on,
but he/she want to create teaching or learning multimedia e-book for other users
to view it on-line via web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape.
The generated materials can also be viewed off-line by sending the generated
package to the target users.
click in for image click in for image
Features of VCG
¡Eeasy to use and manage
¡Eno programming knowledge is needed.
¡Etemplate can be saved for storage and
subsequent future edit
¡Epackage generation just in one click action
¡Eeasy to deploy to target users
¡Esupports multiple courses/tutorials, multiple
topics and subtopics
¡Esupports two ways jargons/labels learning
¡Esupports jargons/labels with popup
description, audio, hyperlink to other topics
¡Esupports note per topic
¡Etable of content is easy to manage
¡Esearchable jargons/labels index page
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